
This little cutie turned two today….

Two!! My heart skips a few beats every time I think about it… Honestly where did the time go?! It wasn’t that long ago when I was blogging about our sweet baby entering the world! Now look at that baby now, all grown up and feisty, sitting here eating his snack, like a boss!

Boo has done heaps of growing up this year, he’s no longer that little babbly baby who is happy with a toy or some food. He and Bugs are now partners in crime, they do almost everything together! Sometimes it’s hard to believe the amount of mischief that these two get up to!

Boo obviously thinks that having a big sister is lots of fun! There’s always someone to look at the ceiling and giggle with….  

Someone to share milkshakes on a hot day with….

Someone to share a fun picnic with…

Someone to gaze at the giraffes with…

Or even to admire a common household item with…

And but of course, to lick the icing off the birthday cake with!  
Happy birthday Boo! Last year with you around has been so much fun, I can’t wait to see what this year will be like !   


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